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NEEDLE STRIPTEASE - rocio bolver, congelada de uva

LONDON, UK  •  2012


Benjamin Sebastian


]performance space[

NEEDLE STRIPTEASE - rocio bolver, congelada de uva
NEEDLE STRIPTEASE - rocio bolver, congelada de uva

Prostitution as an emancipatory tool.

In this performance and in a cynical way, I show a stripper who enjoys her life and her modus vivendi.

There are no regrets, nor is there a sad story behind being a whore. The whipping with the bamboo stick and the needles that are stuck in me during the performance show the insults, disapproving looks and social prejudices that stereotype you. That's why I remove and fan the needles, they don't hurt me and contrary to their purpose I use them as instruments of pleasure. I make up my skin with purple bruises and bright red from the blood that runs through my skin, to give color and brilliance to my striptease.

NEEDLE STRIPTEASE - rocio bolver, congelada de uva
NEEDLE STRIPTEASE - rocio bolver, congelada de uva
NEEDLE STRIPTEASE - rocio bolver, congelada de uva
NEEDLE STRIPTEASE - rocio bolver, congelada de uva
needle striptease - la congelada de uva, rocio boliver
NEEDLE STRIPTEASE - rocio bolver, congelada de uva
NEEDLE STRIPTEASE - rocio bolver, congelada de uva
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